TeenLife Challenge
North Texas
As a faith-based Christian life program serving North Texas for over 50 years, we offer an 18 month, highly structured residency program bringing hope to those with life-controlling issues of all kinds.
"I was a drug addict for 4 years. I have come to TeenLife Challenge Ranch to change my life and to get to know the Lord again. I have now rededicated my life to Jesus Christ and He shows me His grace every day. Thank you for your support so that I am able to change my life. You have made a difference for me.”
- Michael
"I began using drugs at age 9 and by age 15 I was using I.V. drugs. Then it was on to crack cocaine. Since coming to TeenLife Challenge, I have come to a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ! With God’s help, I have won the battle! I’d like to thank everyone at TeenLife Challenge Ranch.”
- Mike